I spent my Saturday morning gargoyle hunting, and I found these charming little grotesques on a small house on the grounds of a church I sometimes attend. (To be more accurate, I already knew of their existence. I didn’t find them as much as I sought them out to take their picture.) Interestingly, I didn’t spot a single gargoyle or grotesque on the Gothic Revival church itself.

Since Field Guide to Gargoyles came to a close a few days ago, I’m giving some thought to my next gargoyle-related project. I assume everybody wants one, right? For quite a while now, friends and readers have been sending me pictures of gargoyles and grotesques they’ve encountered in their travels. I always enjoy receiving these pictures and the accompanying stories, and I post them here whenever possible. So, I would like to start a page or gallery on this blog where I can collect and share everybody’s gargoyle photographs. I’m still figuring out how it will work, so please share your thoughts and ideas with me!