Category: Gargoyles

  • Demons in Pen and Ink

    Demons in Pen and Ink

    Cover image: Jean Pucelle, The Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux, ca. 1324–28. Folios 154v-155r, The Miracle of the Breviary. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Cloisters Collection, New York. In one of my last posts, I promised that I would talk about non-architectural grotesques. So meet the Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux, a fourteenth-century illustrated French prayer book…

  • Gargoyles galore!!!

    Gargoyles galore!!!

    A brief introduction to my fascination with gargoyles and grotesques.


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I’m Alexandra, an art historian who believes that looking at art can enrich everyone’s life. Welcome to my website!
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