Category: Medieval Art and Architecture
Medieval Knights in Art
In this brief selection of knights in art from the 11th to 19th centuries, notice how images of medieval knights have changed throughout that time period.
What’s So Special About the Book of Kells?
I hear a lot of confusion about The Book of Kells, which is apparently not as well-known as I thought. Let me explain what it is and why it’s so special.
I’ve Learned Not To Take Historic Treasures For Granted
After the Notre-Dame de Paris fire, I appreciate what a miracle it is that any ancient treasures survive. But that doesn’t mean they’ll always be around.
Up Close and Personal With Illuminated Manuscripts
Taking a close look at the medieval illuminated manuscripts at an NYC book fair reminded me how manuscripts are best enjoyed in person.
King of the Confessors: a Crazy Story About the Cloisters Cross
Thomas Hoving’s King of the Confessors is about his adventures in acquiring the so-called Cloisters Cross. The story is wild, and I couldn’t put it down.
High Fashion on the High Altar: Heavenly Bodies at the Met
Heavenly Bodies is an exhibition of high fashion influenced by Catholicism. The fashion appears amongst works of medieval art at the Met and Met Cloisters.
The Basilica and How It Became a Church
The word basilica is often used to refer to a church, but the two aren’t synonyms. Learn about the basilica’s origins and adoption into Christianity.
Enjoying a medieval fantasy at the Cloisters
The Cloisters is a museum of medieval art, but I think it’s also more than that. Spending time there is like being transported to another time and place.
Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts
My thoughts on Meetings With Remarkable Manuscripts, a really excellent and informative book about twelve, world-class medieval manuscripts.
A Guide to Romanesque Architecture
Romanesque was a style of medieval architecture popular in Western Europe in the 1000s and 1100s. Here’s everything you need to know about Romanesque.
A Guide to Gothic Architecture
Gothic (and Gothic-style) abound in church architecture around the world. But what exactly are its characteristics? Learn the stylistic attributes and historical context of Gothic architecture.
The Office of the Dead – Day 31
The Office of the Dead was a section of funerary prayers in the book of hours. It could be accompanied by some pretty spooky and fantastic images.