Tag: Architecture
Ruins with a View: The Rock of Cashel
The Rock of Cashel is a dramatic medieval Irish ruin on a hill above the plains of Co. Tipperary. It has five surviving buildings you can tour.
Caught Between Eras: Chateau de Pierrefonds
The Chateau de Pierrefonds, a castle in France, demonstrates how the line between medieval and modern can get really blurry.
Three Reasons Why You Should Care About Architecture
Architecture just might be the most fascinating and meaningful branch of art history. In this post, you’ll find three reasons to learn about architecture.
Five subjects to help you understand art (besides art history)
For the avid learners among my readers, discover five subject areas (besides art history) you can study to help you better understand art and architecture.
French Tradition at Delaware’s Nemours Estate
During a recent visit to Wilmington, DE, I visited Nemours Estate, the unforgettable home and formal gardens of industrialist Alfred I. Dupont.
The Narbonne Cathedral Dog Gargoyle
Enjoy this photo, sent in by a reader, of a Saint Bernard dog gargoyle from the cathedral of Saint-Just and Saint-Pasteur in Narbonne, France.
Yearly Updates on the Notre-Dame de Paris Restoration
In 2019, a devastating fire ravaged Notre-Dame de Paris, the most iconic of all Gothic buildings. Find updates about the cathedral’s current status here.
Michelangelo Comes to Life in Irving Stone’s The Agony and the Ecstasy
The Agony and the Ecstasy is a 1961 biographical novel about Michelangelo. Here’s why I’m glad that people kept pushing me to read this book.
The Veterans Room: A Gilded Age Shrine at the Park Avenue Armory
Inside NYC’s Park Avenue Armory, the Gilded Age Veterans Room is a rare surviving interior by Louis Comfort Tifffany’s Associated Artists.
I’ve Learned Not To Take Historic Treasures For Granted
After the Notre-Dame de Paris fire, I appreciate what a miracle it is that any ancient treasures survive. But that doesn’t mean they’ll always be around.
The Jefferson Hotel, Where Gators Once Roamed
The Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Virginia opened in 1895. It has been renovated several times since, and it’s decorated in a luxurious, eclectic style.