Tag: Manuscripts
Trinity College Dublin and the Book of Kells
Find out about my dream-come-true experience of seeing the Book of Kells in person at Trinity College Dublin!
The Book Arts Treasures of the Chester Beatty Library
The Chester Beatty Library is a museum of book arts in Dublin, Ireland. It has one of the most spectacular collections I have ever seen anywhere!
A Guide to Islamic Art
Discover the fascinating group of styles we call Islamic art. It’s a wide-ranging area, not a closed group with a set of singular characteristics.
The Garima Gospels: Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts in Ethiopia
The Garima Gospels, two gospel books from northern Ethiopia, may be the oldest surviving illuminated Christian manuscripts in the entire world.
What’s So Special About the Book of Kells?
I hear a lot of confusion about The Book of Kells, which is apparently not as well-known as I thought. Let me explain what it is and why it’s so special.
Up Close and Personal With Illuminated Manuscripts
Taking a close look at the medieval illuminated manuscripts at an NYC book fair reminded me how manuscripts are best enjoyed in person.
This Stuff’s Expensive: A Fun Fact About Colors
Not all paint colors are made the same way, so at one time, some colors were much more difficult to get than others. What was the rarest color?
Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts
My thoughts on Meetings With Remarkable Manuscripts, a really excellent and informative book about twelve, world-class medieval manuscripts.
The Office of the Dead – Day 31
The Office of the Dead was a section of funerary prayers in the book of hours. It could be accompanied by some pretty spooky and fantastic images.
Apocalypse Manuscripts – Day 30
Apocalypse manuscripts concern the Book of Revelation. All this apocalyptic subject matter provided plenty of opportunities for vivid illustrations.
Alchemical Manuscripts – Day 29
Alchemy may be pretty dead today, but in the Middle Ages, it was synonymous with science. Find out about illuminated manuscripts related to alchemy.