Tag: religious art
The World Between Two Empires: Ancient Middle Eastern Art at the Met
The World Between Two Empires shows beautiful and unusual Middle Eastern art and artifacts from about 100 BCE to 250 CE.
King of the Confessors: a Crazy Story About the Cloisters Cross
Thomas Hoving’s King of the Confessors is about his adventures in acquiring the so-called Cloisters Cross. The story is wild, and I couldn’t put it down.
What Are Votives? They’re Not Just Candles.
When I saw Agents of Faith: Votive Objects in Time and Place, the show was almost over. Instead of writing a review, I’ll explain what votives are.
Art That Inspires Me: Japanese Buddhist Deity
This installment of Art That Inspires Me features a Japanese Buddhist statue that appeared on a poster sent to me by the Yale University Art Gallery.
The Beautiful Things of Hillwood Estate
Hillwood Estate in Washington D.C. was the treasure-filled home of hostess, philanthropist, and art collector Marjorie Merriweather Post.
Stained Glass at All Souls Church in Biltmore Village
All Souls church in Biltmore Village, NC is home to beautiful stained glass by father-daughter team Maitland Armstrong and Helen Maitland Armstrong.
High Fashion on the High Altar: Heavenly Bodies at the Met
Heavenly Bodies is an exhibition of high fashion influenced by Catholicism. The fashion appears amongst works of medieval art at the Met and Met Cloisters.
The Basilica and How It Became a Church
The word basilica is often used to refer to a church, but the two aren’t synonyms. Learn about the basilica’s origins and adoption into Christianity.
A Guide to Pre-Raphaelite Painting
Learn about Pre-Raphaelite painting – major artists, their ideas, and how you can identify the works? Find out how it relates to the industrial revolution.
Nativity by Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre (December 25th)
The Christmas Day edition of an art history Advent calendar features a Nativity painting by French artist Jean Baptiste Marie Pierre.
Madonna d’Orleans by Raphael (December 18th)
For the 18th day of a fine art Advent calendar, one of Raphael’s famous Madonna and Child paintings – the Orleans Madonna of 1506.
The Magi by Joseph Binder (December 11th)
I looked at a lot of Magi/Three Wise Men paintings today, but something about this one particularly stood out for me. It is by Austrian artist Joseph Binder (1798–1864). I think it’s a combination of things – the clarity of the image, the colors (particularly the blues in the sky), the varying reactions of the…