Tag: religious art

  • The Luttrell Psalter – Day 10

    The Luttrell Psalter – Day 10

    The Luttrell Psalter is a beautiful book that’s celebrated for its animal marginalia and idealized scenes of everyday medieval life.

  • The Black Hours – Day 5

    The Black Hours – Day 5

    Today’s post is about a truly stunning manuscript that demonstrates the relatively rare but wonderful phenomenon of manuscripts on colored parchment.

  • A Fourteenth-Century Italian Choir Book – Day 3

    A Fourteenth-Century Italian Choir Book – Day 3

    Today’s entry features a page from a 14th-century choir book called an antiphonary. Like most medieval choir books, it’s huge and has big illustrations.

  • The Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux – Day 2

    The Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux – Day 2

    The early-14th century Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux introduces us to the Book of Hours, surprising scale in manuscripts, and the wacky world of marginalia.

  • The Book of Kells – Day 1

    The Book of Kells – Day 1

    It only seems appropriate to start off 31 Days of Medieval Manuscripts with the Book of Kells, arguably the world’s most iconic illuminated manuscript.

  • Writing Prompt #7: Contrast, Controversy, and the Cloisters Cross

    Today’s prompt told me to write about a contrast between two things. The first idea that came to mind for me was contrasting points of view or interpretations. Have you ever been in a situation where you and someone else experienced the exact same thing at the exact same time, yet both of you were…

  • A Guide to Medieval Irish Art

    A Guide to Medieval Irish Art

    Most people are familiar with Irish art through the famous Book of Kells and through Celtic Revival motifs popular today. In this article, you’ll learn about medieval Irish artistic motifs, the types of art most likely to survive from the period, key historical context (including why Irish and Celtic aren’t synonyms), and more.

  • Bernini’s Angels

    Bernini’s Angels

    I have been working on a new skating program for the past month or so to a song called “Bernini’s Angels”, so I have recently been thinking a lot about the titular sculptor. In the program, I play the character of a young art student who is stuck in a terrible creative rut, travels to…


The mission of A Scholarly Skater Art History is to make historical art and architecture accessible to everyone.
I’m Alexandra, an art historian who believes that looking at art can enrich everyone’s life. Welcome to my website!
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