Tag: Scottish

  • Gargoyles and Grotesques of Melrose Abbey, Scotland

    I’ve recently been reading a book about the history of British myths and legends concerning dragons, so it made sense to me that today’s gargoyle should be from the United Kingdom. I was looking for some sort of dragon-like gargoyle but fell in love with this bagpipe-playing pig instead. Isn’t he charming? I found him via ferrebeekeeper’s blog; look there…

  • Gargoyles and Grotesques of St. Giles High Kirk, Edinburgh

    My Facebook friend Sara requested gargoyles of the Scottish Highlands for my next gargoyle of the day. Unfortunately, I haven’t had any luck tracking down photos of specifically Highland gargoyles. So many of the gorgeous churches out there are in such a state of ruin that in most cases, whatever gargoyles they may have once had…

  • More Gargoyles

    More Gargoyles

    Discover a pair of grotesques inspired by classic movies, alongside some cool Mexican-inspired ones.


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I’m Alexandra, an art historian who believes that looking at art can enrich everyone’s life. Welcome to my website!
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