Christmas Eve by Edmund Restein (December 24th)

Edmund Restein, Christmas Eve. Photo from

As soon as I saw this work, I knew I had to feature it today. It’s not just the name that makes it appropriate. It so perfectly captures the spirit of Christmas Eve, at least as I’ve always experienced it – the early darkness, the inviting light from the church windows, and the well-dressed families congregating outside the building. Unfortunately, Christmas snow doesn’t seem to be in the cards for my area of the world this year, but I don’t think that the beauty and anticipatory excitement of Christmas Eve night requires snow in any way. This work is by American artist Edmund Restein (1837-1891), who is best-known for a popular lithograph depicting George Washington in New York City. With his brother, Restein owned E.P. & L. Restein chromolithographic company of Philadelphia.

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