Author: A Scholarly Skater

  • The First Bit of My Gargoyle Research

    The First Bit of My Gargoyle Research

    A few fun facts I learned while reading about gargoyles and grotesques.

  • More Gargoyles

    More Gargoyles

    Discover a pair of grotesques inspired by classic movies, alongside some cool Mexican-inspired ones.

  • Demons in Pen and Ink

    Demons in Pen and Ink

    Cover image: Jean Pucelle, The Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux, ca. 1324–28. Folios 154v-155r, The Miracle of the Breviary. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Cloisters Collection, New York. In one of my last posts, I promised that I would talk about non-architectural grotesques. So meet the Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux, a fourteenth-century illustrated French prayer book…

  • Gargoyles galore!!!

    Gargoyles galore!!!

    A brief introduction to my fascination with gargoyles and grotesques.

  • A sneak peek of my new project

    A sneak peek of my new project

    Cover image: Armchair, possibly by Gustav Herter, American (probably New York), c. 1855. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Photo via (CC0 1.0). My Gothic Revival furniture project is coming along really well. I have a sloppy but complete first draft and am currently editing. In the meantime, I wanted to show you…

  • Welcome to my new blog!

    Hi everyone! I’m Alexandra, and this is my art history blog. Thanks for reading.


The mission of A Scholarly Skater Art History is to make historical art and architecture accessible to everyone.
I’m Alexandra, an art historian who believes that looking at art can enrich everyone’s life. Welcome to my website!
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