Category: Other Stuff

  • The Art of Fireworks

    The Art of Fireworks

    During July 4th weekend, I enjoyed a nice display of fireworks. It made me start thinking that a really spectacular fireworks show is actually an art form.

  • Art Crimes Awareness: Ebay and the Modern Forger

    The Monuments Men Foundation for Art the Preservation of Art’s facebook page, which by the way is one of the best resources out there for information about cultural heritage advocacy, recently linked to this article from The Daily Beast about art forgery on eBay. My first reaction was that anyone who thinks they’re going to buy a Picasso on eBay…

  • William Shakespeare’s Dictionary (or not?)

    My boss just brought this news item from last month to my attention. It seems that two book dealers in New York City have stumbled upon what they believe may be William Shakespeare’s dictionary, complete with annotations and markings by the Bard himself. If that is true, it would be very exciting indeed! I would…

  • “Fasching” begins: an introduction to Viennese Ball Season

    This post was inspired by several things: my interest in ballroom culture and history, my love of the Viennese Waltz, my desire to visit Vienna (so much that I asked for Vienna travel guides for Christmas last year), and a few recent conversations about masquerade balls. After doing some basic research on the subject, I…

  • Welcome to my new blog!

    Hi everyone! I’m Alexandra, and this is my art history blog. Thanks for reading.


The mission of A Scholarly Skater Art History is to make historical art and architecture accessible to everyone.
I’m Alexandra, an art historian who believes that looking at art can enrich everyone’s life. Welcome to my website!
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An important note

Art history is an inherently subjective field, and my perspective isn’t the only one. I encourage all my readers to seek out differing opinions and read multiple sources to get a broader and more complete view of this complex and fascinating field of study. Read my disclaimers for more information.


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