Category: American Art

  • A Review of the Montclair Art Museum

    A Review of the Montclair Art Museum

    The Montclair Art Museum in New Jersey is a small museum focused on American art. Learn why I enjoy it and what I saw on my most recent visit.

  • William the Hippopotamus Makes a New Friend

    William the Hippopotamus Makes a New Friend

    The Met’s famous mascot, William, gets paired with a 1936 adaptation by Carl Walters. As a William fan, I was so excited to see the two hippos together.

  • Thomas Cole’s Journey: Atlantic Crossings

    Thomas Cole’s Journey: Atlantic Crossings

    Thomas Cole’s Journey: Atlantic Crossings presents Cole within the landscape painting tradition of his native England. Find out why I loved the exhibition.

  • Violet Oakley at the Woodmere Art Museum

    Violet Oakley at the Woodmere Art Museum

    Violet Oakley was a Philadelphia-area painter, illustrator, muralist, and designer. Find out what I learned about her at the Woodmere Art Museum.

  • John Singer Sargent

    John Singer Sargent

    An article about Sargent’s portraits and thoughts on Strapless, a book about Sargent and Madame X.

  • Skating Through Time on a Snow Day

    Skating Through Time on a Snow Day

    Snow day! Who doesn’t love those words? Here in the northeastern United States, we are currently having a nice snow day, which makes it seem like a perfect time to do the second part of the winter paintings series I started around Christmas time. While part one was about winter landscapes, part two is about ice skating paintings!…

  • Four Magical Christmas and Winter Paintings

    Four Magical Christmas and Winter Paintings

    Eager to get into the holiday spirit? Enjoy this selection of winter and Christmas-themed paintings by American, British, and European artists.

  • Hudson River School Day

    Hudson River School Day

    Thomas Cole and Frederick Edwin Church, the two most prominent Hudson River School painters, both had homes and studios in the Catskill area of New York. One summer day, I went up there to visit the two houses, which are now museums open to the public for tours. This was my experience.

  • Houston Street by George Luks

    George Luks (1866-1933) was an American social realist painter. He is known best for his images of New York City, specifically its working-class and immigrant neighborhoods, and his energetic style seems to suit these scenes’ vibrancy perfectly. He also studied and painted in Europe. Along with fellow American painters of urban life, Luks was part of the…

  • Paris La Nuit by Charles Courtney Curran

    Paris La Nuit by Charles Courtney Curran

    I think there’s something quite fascinating about paintings of Europe by American artists. It’s interesting to compare how European cities look through American eyes with American scenes and with European artists’ representations of the same cities. Does a Frenchman represent Paris differently than an American? How does an American see London compared with how he sees New York? Since so many nineteenth…

  • The Cathedrals of Broadway by Florine Stettheimer

    The Cathedrals of Broadway by Florine Stettheimer

    The Cathedrals of Broadway, from a series of four paintings by American artist Florine Stettmheimer about life in 1920s-40s New York.

  • May Night by Willard Metcalf

    May Night by Willard Metcalf

    I thought that the title of this painting made it appropriate for today. Willard Metcalf (1858-1925) was an influential American artist from New England. He painted this work in Old Lyme, Connecticut when he was associated with the art colony there.* I love the mystery and beauty of this painting. Who is the girl? What…


The mission of A Scholarly Skater Art History is to make historical art and architecture accessible to everyone.
I’m Alexandra, an art historian who believes that looking at art can enrich everyone’s life. Welcome to my website!
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