Category: 31 Days of Medieval Manuscripts
Learn about the wild and wonderful world of medieval illuminated manuscripts in this month-long series.
The Office of the Dead – Day 31
The Office of the Dead was a section of funerary prayers in the book of hours. It could be accompanied by some pretty spooky and fantastic images.
Apocalypse Manuscripts – Day 30
Apocalypse manuscripts concern the Book of Revelation. All this apocalyptic subject matter provided plenty of opportunities for vivid illustrations.
Alchemical Manuscripts – Day 29
Alchemy may be pretty dead today, but in the Middle Ages, it was synonymous with science. Find out about illuminated manuscripts related to alchemy.
Where to Enjoy Manuscripts Online – Day 28
In this post, you’ll discover some places to browse medieval illuminated manuscripts online, including fully-digitized manuscripts from around the world.
The Hours of Catherine of Cleves – Day 27
The Hours of Catherine of Cleves is a book of hours that’s supposedly the greatest Dutch illuminated manuscript ever. It’s now at the Morgan Library in NY.
The Morgan Library Crusader Bible – Day 26
The Morgan Library Crusader Bible is a medieval illuminated Bible with tons and tons of illustrations. See some of them in this post.
Lapidaries – Day 25
Lapidaries are medieval manuscripts about gemstones and other minerals, which were believed to have all kinds of meanings and significances.
Weird Manuscripts – Day 24
Discover a selection of noteworthy medieval illuminated manuscripts with unusual shapes, strange imagery, and more.
Heart-Shaped Books – Day 23
Browse a selection of cordiform books (medieval illuminated manuscripts shaped like hearts) in this wildly-popular post.
Visigothic Script – Day 22
Scripts in medieval manuscripts were like fonts; they were different styles of writing the same letters. Learn about one type of script with a cool name.
Medieval Pattern Books – Day 21
Medieval pattern books were quite a bit like pattern books today. They showed scripts, images, and decorative patterns for craftsmen to use in their work.
St. Cuthbert’s Gospel – Day 20
Read about an early medieval English illuminated manuscript associated with Saint Cuthbert, an important British monastic figure.