Tag: Michelangelo
Michelangelo Comes to Life in Irving Stone’s The Agony and the Ecstasy
The Agony and the Ecstasy is a 1961 biographical novel about Michelangelo. Here’s why I’m glad that people kept pushing me to read this book.
Giorgio Vasari, the First Art Historian
Giorgio Vasari is considered the father of art history. A new biography of Vasari, published in 2017, takes a complete look at his life and work.
Michelangelo Didn’t Show His Work: A Fun Fact
Here’s a fun fact about Michelangelo and his drawings. Why didn’t he want people to see them?
David’s Nose: A Fun Fact or Fable
A fun fact (or possibly a tall tale) about Michelangelo and his famous statue of David.
A Guide to Renaissance Architecture
A guide to recognizing and appreciating Renaissance architecture. Includes background, key ideas, important architects, and examples.