Author: A Scholarly Skater
Turner: The Life Behind the Paintings
If you enjoy the works of J.M.W. Turner and want to know more about him, I suggest reading Franny Moyle’s comprehensive book about his life and art.
High Fashion on the High Altar: Heavenly Bodies at the Met
Heavenly Bodies is an exhibition of high fashion influenced by Catholicism. The fashion appears amongst works of medieval art at the Met and Met Cloisters.
The Basilica and How It Became a Church
The word basilica is often used to refer to a church, but the two aren’t synonyms. Learn about the basilica’s origins and adoption into Christianity.
What is Provenance, and Why is It Important?
Provenance is artwork’s ownership history, and it helps determine if a work is genuine and honest. It’s very important in art history and the art market.
Enjoying a medieval fantasy at the Cloisters
The Cloisters is a museum of medieval art, but I think it’s also more than that. Spending time there is like being transported to another time and place.
An Oasis in New York City: The Frick Collection
The Frick Collection is one of my favorite museums. In addition to a world-class art collection, it’s also a calm oasis in the middle of New York City.
What is Genre Painting?
We can talk about genres of paintings like genres of movies or books. But Genre Painting is also one of those genres. Learn to understand the difference.
A Review of the Newark Museum
The Newark Museum in Newark, NJ is possibly the most under-rated museum ever. It has a fabulous collection and is just a short train ride from Manhattan.
Kykuit: Home of the Rockefellers
Kykuit is the Sleepy Hollow, NY estate of the Rockefeller family. It’s well-known for two things – its gardens and its modern art collection.
Turner and His Disappearing Colors
Before synthetic colors, it was important to choose your paints wisely. Artists like Turner didn’t always do this, and their paintings discolored quickly.
Colorful Travels with Victoria Finlay
Victoria Finlay travelled across the world to research historical sources of color. Her book is full of surprising and sometimes alarming facts.