Category: British

  • Christ in the House of His Parents (December 1st)

    Christ in the House of His Parents (December 1st)

    The first installment of an art historical advent calendar – features Pre-Raphaelite painting Christ in the House of His Parents by John Everett Millais.

  • Gargoyles and Grotesques of St. Denys, Aswarby, Lincolnshire

    This square-ish fellow kind of reminds me of an early video game creature. When I went to get the image link, I noticed it was titled “Hunky Punk”, which I thought was interesting. I googled the term and discovered that  “hunky punk” is a term specifically used in Somerset, England to describe grotesques (never true…

  • St. Cuthbert’s Gospel – Day 20

    Read about an early medieval English illuminated manuscript associated with Saint Cuthbert, an important British monastic figure.

  • The Luttrell Psalter – Day 10

    The Luttrell Psalter – Day 10

    The Luttrell Psalter is a beautiful book that’s celebrated for its animal marginalia and idealized scenes of everyday medieval life.

  • Worksop Bestiary – Day 9

    Worksop Bestiary – Day 9

    Bestiaries – books about animals and their qualities – are my favorite kind of medieval illuminated manuscript because of their great imagery.

  • Gargoyle and Grotesques of Windsor Castle

    I’ve noticed that many of the quirkiest and most unique gargoyles that catch my eye are from England. This little man looks almost like he could be a cartoon character or a figure in an animated movie about the Middle Ages.

  • Gargoyles and Grotesques of Westminster Abbey and Palace, London

    Gargoyles and Grotesques of Westminster Abbey and Palace, London

    An introduction to the gargoyles and grotesques of Westminster Abbey and Westminster Palace – two important Gothic and Gothic Revival structures in London.

  • Fry versus Sargent

    Fry versus Sargent

    Many people are huge fans of John Singer Sargent, but British painter and art theorist Roger Fry wasn’t one of them.

  • The Life and Work of Roger Fry

    Meet Roger Fry. A little while back, Mr. Fry and I spent a delightful year in each other’s company, because he was the subject of my honors thesis in my senior year of college. Seeing as dear old Roger holds such an important place in my scholarly career, I figure it is high time I…


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I’m Alexandra, an art historian who believes that looking at art can enrich everyone’s life. Welcome to my website!
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