Category: 31 Days of Medieval Manuscripts
Learn about the wild and wonderful world of medieval illuminated manuscripts in this month-long series.
Non-European Medieval – Day 19
Europe was far from the only place to make incredible medieval illuminated manuscripts. Find out about great manuscripts from elsewhere in the world.
What in the World? – Day 18
This post is dedicated to the weird and wonderful images in medieval illuminated manuscripts. Trust me, there’s plenty of material to choose from here.
The Book of Durrow – Day 17
The Book of Durrow is a 7th-century Irish illuminated manuscript with lots of decoration. Think of it as a precursor to the more famous Book of Kells.
Vernacular Literature – Day 16
Most medieval manuscripts were written in Latin, the language of learning and religion. In this post, you’ll learn about those written in other languages.
The Roman de the Rose – Day 15
Read about the illustrations in a medieval French romance poem that was the subject of so many illuminated manuscripts.
Bindings – Day 14
Medieval manuscript bindings are often overlooked and rarely preserved, but they could be spectacularly elaborate works of art in themselves.
October in the Calendar Pages – Day 13
Calendar pages appear in Books of Hours and feature scenes for each month. Find out how October was traditionally depicted.
Herbals – Day 12
Herbals – books about herbs and medicine – were useful texts with plenty of opportunity to illustrate all the different plants they discussed.
Marginalia (Marginal Illustration) – Day 11
Marginalia – illustrations and other markings in manuscripts’ margins – is one of the most interesting and debated aspects of manuscript studies.
The Luttrell Psalter – Day 10
The Luttrell Psalter is a beautiful book that’s celebrated for its animal marginalia and idealized scenes of everyday medieval life.
Worksop Bestiary – Day 9
Bestiaries – books about animals and their qualities – are my favorite kind of medieval illuminated manuscript because of their great imagery.
Medieval University Students’ Textbooks – Day 8
Just as they are today, university students were big consumers of books in the Middle Ages. Learn about illuminated textbooks in law, medicine, and more.